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Warehouses / 10 October 2023 / by AntDev

Rise in Sugar and Cocoa Costs Makes Halloween Candy Pricier

Dry weather has pushed up the cost of crucial candy ingredients, driving the prices of candy bars and packs of gum higher.

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Warehouses / 14 June 2023 / by AntDev

DNEXT was consulted by Barron’s about the effect of ElNiño on sugar prices

The article discusses the current state of the sugar industry, focusing on the impact of high sugar prices and the potential exacerbation of this situation by the El Niño weather phenomenon.

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Warehouses / 14 May 2023 / by AntDev

DNEXT was consulted by Barron’s about the surging in sugar prices

Sugar prices are surging due to bad weather affecting harvests in major producing countries like India, Thailand and Mexico. In addition, demand for sugar remains high for various products, leading to a decrease in surplus.

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